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    I tried to search but not find any answers at my questions. I want to use Catch Everest Free to a site there we will be selling tickets so people could fish in the lakes we have. I´m not really sure what you call it in English but maybe just a Fishing Association. Is it ok to use this free theme for this? I just want to be ensure so we don´t do anything wrong.

    My other question (if the answer at the first question is no, you not need to answer this) is if I now want too make changes in the CSS file and other things. Should I change the text in the bottom of the page “Theme: Catch Everest” to anything else? I just think if a change the style pretty much I maybe should rename it too example to “Catch Everest Child Theme”.

    I hope you understand my questions.

    / Tiger


    @tiger: Yes you can use Catch Everest Free theme for your Fishing Association.

    While using any Free Theme, you are not allowed to edit or delete the Footer Credit text and link. If you want to edit or delete it then you need to upgrade to Catch Everest Pro theme where you have Footer Editor options and other lots of additional features. See this for additional features


    Thank you for the answers.

    Am I free to change the design by example changing in the CSS and PHP-files?



    @tiger: Yes you can change file as per you need. But while you make change, best approach is to build child theme and do the customization. By doing this you will preserve the changes for updates.

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