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  • #78630

    Am I not allowed to upgrade pro to pro from the WordPress update screen? When I select it and try to upgrade I get the following.

    Updating Theme Catch Adaptive Pro (1/1)
    An error occurred while updating Catch Adaptive Pro: Update package not available.

    I know with the last version bug I had to upload to update but I did not figure I would have to do it now..



    @birdpuk: There are two methods to update your theme A) From WordPress Dashboard and B) From FTP. You can read more about it from theme instructions at

    A) From WordPress Dashboard:
    1. First you need to download “Catch Updater” plugin from
    2. Install and activate “Catch Updater” plugin from “Plugins => Add New => Uploads”
    2. Download the latest zip file from your account at
    3. Finally upload the downloaded zip file from “Appearance => Themes => Add New => Uploads”

    B) From FTP:
    1. Download the latest zip file from your account at
    2. Unzip/Extract that zip file
    3. Using an FTP client to access your host web server, go to /wp-content/themes/ and upload your new copy of Catch Adaptive Pro Theme which shall replace the old files

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