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  • #98686
    Jennifer Wentzlaff

    I have been having this issue for a while and am not sure what to do. My thumbnail images (preview) do not show up in my media gallery. They are all just boxes with question marks in them. I have tried deactivating all my plug-ins. I have created a child theme (still not sure how to use this really) I have checked my cpanel for permissions (755 files – 644 folders is the norm). I have contacted my hosting site to see if they could help and they cannot.
    Any suggestions?


    Hi Jennifer,

    Can you try regenerating your images via regenerate thumbnail plugin?

    It looks as if this is not related to the theme so it will fall outside our theme support support scope.


    Jennifer Wentzlaff

    I have tried regenerating the images with the plug-in. It didn’t work.
    I contacted my webhost and they say it doesn’t have anything to do with them either. Not sure what to do.
    I can work around it, but it would be easier and save me time if I could actually see the images.
    Thanks for your help.

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