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  • #292248

    1) I am starting a site in English with French content, I would like to know where I can access the text for “next post” “previous post” and “continue reading” I would like to translate it to French.

    2) On the scapeshot pro theme demo there is text displayed to the right of the full screen menu, how do I set this up?

    3) Are there a list of recommended images sizes for specific uses?



    @pworktees: Hello there,
    To translate the strings in the theme first of all you will need to use Poedit software. Install and Open the software.

    Create New Translation => Browse and Select scapeshot-pro.pot file from the languages folder and Click Open => Select the language as French.
    Now, you will see a list of translation ready strings and Translation text area where you can add the required translation. Search for the strings you want to translate and add the translation. When you are done translating the strings save the file to the languages folder.

    Now,Go to => Dashboard => Settings => Select Site Language as Francais and Save Changes.

    But I suggest you to create a child theme before doing all this as when you update the theme to the newer version the translation you added will be lost or what you can do is you can translate majority of the strings available for translation and email it to me and I shall add it to the theme itself with your name as the contributor.

    2) For the text on right side of the fullscreen menu
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Menus => Secondary (Only for Full Screen Menu) , Title and Content => Select a menu and Add texts and Publish.

    3) Can you let me know for which section you want the recommended size?

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    1) Thanks for the info, I’ll get to that soon.
    2) Done.
    3) Home page – what I guess are called slider images and slider videos. I’m still reading the notes 🙂

    Thank you for the prompt reply.


    @pworktees: Hello there,
    The recommended image size for Slider Image is 1920*1080px.

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    I am working on the scapeshot-pro.pot file from the languages folder.
    A question, are the .pot language files all the same format or will I have to edit the language file for each template that I buy from you?



    @pworktees: Hello there,
    The pot files for each theme will be different. So you will need to translate each theme independently if you decide to do so.

    Kind Regards,


    I have a question on the poedit process. I have translated only the strings that I need to be in French.
    I run the site in English, but the screen text on the website needs to be in French (things like “”scroll”, “continue reading”).

    I used “file save” and poedit generated two files and fr_CA.po I assume these files should be placed in the languages folder on the web server. If I switch the site language to French won’t the admin pages also be in French?

    Best regards



    The “languages folder on the web server” being:
    wp-content themes snapshot-pro languages


    I cannot find the word “CLOSE” in the translation list which is used in the menu.


    @pworktees: Hello Sid,
    Yes, changing the Site Language to French will also change the admin page texts to french.

    The Close text in the Menu hasn’t been translation ready. That will be fixed in the upcoming update.

    Kind Regards,

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