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  • #4399

    Hi there,

    I’m new to  using Simple Catch and am having some difficulty with the header. I would like to replace the gray speckled area with an image so that it aligns on the both sides with my background image and touches the pages bar (About, Disclosure, etc.). I have created a header image I would like to use, I just can’t seem to make it fill in the whole area.

    My website is

    Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.


    @monkandmarvel: I don’t understand what you want to do it. Can you send me the design of what you want to do it?


    Thanks for your reply!

    I had played around with the website some more before I saw your response.

    In essence, I’d to make my website resemble this:

    Does simple catch allow 3-column formats? If so, I have a large image file that resembles the page above (three white columns, with “linen” borders).

    My main question is:

    1) How would I place a centered header image (that extends from the left side of the page to the right)  file over top of the pages menu bar without the bottom  of the image being covered up?

    2) Where could I find the dimensions of the page so that I may resize my image file?

    I.E. the website is called Monk & Marvel, but you can only see Monk, as the Marvel has been covered by the pages menu bar.

    and here is all the code I have in my custom css box (I did this based on code I found suggested in this forum and others):

    #header {background:url(/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Collages2.jpg)}


    #header .social-search form.searchform { display: none; }

    Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.



    @monkandmarvel: Simple catch doesn’t allow 3 column.

    For your question 1. You need to upload a large header image and then add the following css in your “Custom CSS” box in Theme Options panel.
    #header { background: url("") no-repeat scroll center top transparent;

    2. The main width is 978px

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