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  • #81519

    Pardon my possible bad attempt at describing what I need this theme to do.

    The “splash page” area between the navigation and content is about twice the height of what I need. All content is hidden without scrolling down. I may even need it to be smaller than that. Can this be adjusted in the pro version? Otherwise I would guess that it defined in the css file but I did not see it.


    Hi @wjcofkc,

    The area between navigation and content is calculated dynamically with respect to different screen sizes. If you just want to reduce, you do not need to upgrade to Pro version, it can be achieved via Custom CSS. Add the following CSS in “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS” box:

    .site-branding {
        min-height: calc(50vh - 122px);
        position: relative;

    Let me know if this solves your issue.


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