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    I am using a child theme of Simple Catch (free version) and I activated Jetpack Comments. However, the jetpack comments system is not showing up for me when I look at my posts. I checked the catch themes forums, the jetpack support forums and troubleshooting page ( and I’m not sure what’s going on. The troubleshooting page for jetpack said to check that my comments.php file uses “comment_form().” While that’s not in the standard comments.php file that comes with simple catch, I added it to customize my “leave a comment” text and the new comments still aren’t working (but no problems with the custom text). I would appreciate any help.



    @stmblhappiness: there is function comment_form() in comments.php file in Simple Catch Theme. So, I don’t get it what is the issue. I also see that you have activate another comment form well. So, looks like there is conflict with your plugin.

    For your question. I have just activate Jetpack comment in Simple Catch Demo. See this , it’s working fine. So, check in your configuration.

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