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  • #184823

    This website is hidden behind a coming soon page. I am using the WP Header Images plugin on this site so that each page has a different header image. I am also trying to make it so that posts also have header images associated with the assigned category. These images are not displaying and the plugin author is asking some questions I need help with answering.

    1) Make sure that your posts are using the same header.php?

    2) Which page is in action? Check your body tag classes, is it single.php, page.php, archive.php, index.php or any other page?
    3) Did you try viewing the categories by “view” link from categories list by hover on category name?

    I have looked at the categories and the correct image only shows in the admin, not on the front end.The ‘view link’ option doesn’t appear to work in my browsers.
    Can you point me in the right direction with the .php files?

    Thank you


    @catwingz: Hello there,
    Are you not able to have separate header images for posts?

    I don’t think you need to use a plugin to have separate header image for separate post/pages. You can Go to => Appearance => Customize => Header Media => Enable on => Entire Site Page/Post Featured Image.

    This will make the featured image that you have set for pages/posts show up as the header image.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    This plugin does things a bit differently and I would prefer to use it. For one thing it solves the problem of the header being cropped off in mobile and tablet view. This is a problem with a lot of your newer themes. So far I have all of the pages displaying a different header image. The only thing missing is that I would like to have the posts show a banner which corresponds with the category. If you would please answer the questions in my first post it will help this to be solved more quickly.

    Thank you


    I double-checked, and enabling the header through the customizer is accomplishing the same thing right now—I still need the information to be able to get the headers for the categories to work properly.

    Thanks again


    @catwingz: Hello there,
    There is no option to have an image for different categories as you like. You will need to use a suitable plugin for that.
    Can you please post in your site URL so that I can look into your other issues?

    Kind Regards,

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