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  • #37887

    I am learning the hard way as a newbie and taking hours on just one problem each time…

    This problem… I have just begun the site.. with no editing yet on each page.. but on one page, I have added a picture and link with a quote.. i cannot see wher i have added these… and second… it now appears on my frontpage too at the bottom.. how do i get rid of that on front page.



    @Pippylala: Catch Evolution theme uses default “Reading Settings” for the homepage. So, in homepage by default you will get all the latest posts that you have created. So, if you want to remove that and assign new static page in homepage then you need to go to “Settings => Readings” from your WordPress Dashboard and then in “Front page displays”, check on “A static page (select below)” and select “Front page” which you want to show in homepage and then save changes.


    Hi Sakin,, thanks for replying… ive been on this two hours hahaha, im not giving up…. the site is … if you scroll down each page has that It Works logo and words underneath… but i dont know where i created that and how to get rid…. i noticed your instructions above on another page and done the static page thing… i just want rid of this it works at the bottom of every page???


    Sakin, i have now spent 4 hours trying to find out why the It Works Global section appears at the bottom of every page on my site.. it is a banner that i cannot remember putting in, cant remember where i done it in wordpress and cannot remove it… i now have my server support on hold trying to solve it.. do you know how x


    @Pippylala: Which section are you talking about? I am confused. Can you explain so that I can help you.


    NO worries… sorted now thanks for replies


    @Pippylala: Thanks for the update.

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