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  • #105481

    Hallo everybody i buy clean journal pro today and download now a few times….but i cannot upload it o wordpress because there is no Zip file…. so what should i do? When i download the program the hole is a zip, right but i cannot upload this….thanks a lot for helping me


    Hello! I always create my own zip file of the files within the directory that downloads. Be sure to name it something related to the contents as that is the name that will be carried over to your file structure name on your site. Then when you go to upload the plugin or theme, it will grab the zip file perfectly. Best of luck to you!


    Hello Amina and Christy,

    Looks like you are using Safari for downloading your theme. As now a days, the modern browser like Safari auto extract the safe zip file. So, it automatically unzipped. To download the zip file from Safari, open Safari and go to “Safari -> Preferences” and in “General” tab, uncheck Open “safe” files after downloading. This will stop Safari from automatically unzipping the files and then you can download zip file. Or you can use other browser.

    If you still cannot download zip file then as Christy said, you can zip the folder that it auto extracted, just right click on that folder and click on compress.


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