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  • #12022

    Hi, I’d like to center my logo. I tried inputting code in the css section and it works BUT it makes the logo smaller, changes the positioning of the social media icons, and places too much space around the logo. Is there any way I can center the logo without causing all of those other changes?


    @Cherry: To understand your question, I need to check in your site. So, send me your site URL.


    I sent you the site in the gallery post. The logo is on it as well. I like the size of the logo but I’d just like it centered. I saw another post where you answered the same question. You gave css code and I inputted it. The logo centered but it became smaller and the white area surrounding it became to big. The social media icons also changed position after I centered it and I didn’t like that. I was wondering if there was any way I could just center it without changing anything else.


    @Cherry: To center the logo in your site You need to remove the social media icons from that line. or you can just upload the image with the center background. This is image with white space.


    Thank you for all your help!

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