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  • #118008
    Nathan Laws

    Please see the attached. Is there any way to make the header image take up the full width of the website? Right now there is empty space to the left and right. If possible I’d like to remove the site identity area? I’d like to have a single image which also contains the site logo. Screenshot


    @dastari : The empty space can be removed and you may make the header image take up the full width.
    Please Post in your website URL and i will provide you the custom css after viewing your website.


    Nathan Laws

    @tikaram : I actually have a friend developing my image right now. The image that I shared is just a picture with another website header image used as a placeholder while I test this theme. Is there a particular size of image that would give me full width? I notice right now that I put in an image that is too large it forces me to crop it.


    @dastari: Please use header image ofwidth:1920px and skip cropping while uploading.

    Go to Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following css.

    #header-featured-image .wrapper{

    Let me know if this works or not.


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