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  • #60167

    I have setup a slider on the homepage with 4 images

    I want to add a single image on each inner page in replacement of the slider.

    I don’t think it is possible – the only option the slider has is homepage or all pages.

    I have tried the “Header Featured Image Options” and this does nothing.

    I also tried the “Single Page/Post Image Layout” and using a Featured Image BUT the featured image appears inside the main content (with all the padding and margins)

    How do I get it to appear above the content (between the menu and content) like the slider does on the home page


    1. In Catch Responsive Pro theme, you can enable Slide only in Homepage.
    — Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Featured Slider Options” and select “Homepage / Frontpage” from “Enable Slider on” options
    2. Then you can enable header image excluding homepage
    — Go to “Appearance => Customize => Header Image” and select “Excluding Homepage, Page/Post Featured Image” from “Enable Featured Header Image on” options
    3. Now, add featured image in your page/posts. See this for adding featured image . As these featured image will be displayed in that page/post display. If those post don’t have featured image then it will load default image set in “Appearance => Customize => Header Image”
    4. Now to move header image below menu, go to “Appearance => Customize => Header Image” and select “After Menu” from “Featured Header Image Position” options

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