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  • #339277
    Nina Holmstrom

    Hi, I recently installed this theme. I’m not a pro at .html but I can’t find anywhere in the theme customization to adjust the height or padding of the footer. I have three footers installed that are horizontal and narrow, there is way more footer height than needed. What do you suggest?


    Hello @ferryhousekayaktours,

    For space, you can’t make adjustment through customizer. You have to add custom css. Please try adding the following css code to Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer > Additional CSS.

    Use the following code to get spacing around the three footer widgets. You can change the value ’50px’ as you preferred.

    .widget-area .widget-column {
       padding: 50px;


    Nina Holmstrom

    Hi, thank you for your response. I played with this a little bit but I realized what I need is to adjust the height of the footer section, not the padding. May I ask you to provide me with the CSS for the footer section height? I appreciate your assistance!

    Nina Holmstrom

    Apologies for the multiple messages. So I figured out to change the height of the black box in the footer, but the copyright right doesn’t move up with the change in setting (it stays in its original placement at the bottom of the website and is no longer visible .. or if I change the font color, but this doesn’t resolve my issue). Since the four footer widgets insert into the footer horizontally in columns, there is still a huge amount of space after it and before the copyright.

    To clarify this issue and specifically, how do I remove the extra space between the copyright and the footer widgets?


    Hello @ferryhousekayaktours,

    You just have to remove the space between the widgets and copyright sections. And I suggest you not to use height in the footer, it is better to adjust with padding. Here is the css code to remove the space.

    #site-generator {
       padding-top: 0 !important;
    .footer-widget-area {
       padding-bottom: 0 !important;
    .widget-column.widget {
       margin-bottom: 0 !important;

    Pleae let me know if you need further assistance. Thank you.


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