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  • #4107

    After trying to tweek this very nice theme for a couple of weeks, I still didn’t managed to find a solution for the following issue. I would like to selected pages and post to show up at the homepage list. And even more problematic: I define category descriptions and category featured pictures, and I would like to present them to on the homepage…

    Thanks and keep up the good work, gonna subscribe for the simple catch pro, just to show my gratitude for the non-pro version.



    @belgianbingo: Please add in your Site URL and also I don’t understand your question properly. Maybe you can list one by one on the task.


    Dear Sakin, thank you for the quick response!

    The site url is

    As you can see on the homepage, the site has five main contents. To go into specifics, ‘EZRA bijbels tijdschrift’ on the homepage should link (like the link in the top menu)  to, which is a category. Same story for ‘Bijbelvertalingen’ and ‘Publicaties’ etc.

    At, I tried to hard-code the desired homepage, to give an impression. Hard-coding is not very flexible and a designers nightmare, but if not the double line, this would work for me to.

    All advice is welcome and many thanks in advance!


    @belgianbingo: First to tell you that all your content in homepages at posts not pages and category. In This theme you don’t have option to add category. I see at page, you have coded to add category on it.

    The only option that is now with you is to add page as the homepeage through settings. Then in that page you add all the details.


    Thank you, Sakin! I have set up a page with the desires content and selected it as homepage in settings. Only one problem is that I got now on the homepage a double line between the sections.

    I tried to hardcode the content again on an other page ( No double line there, but now the picture hides partially in the picture frame.

    Do you maybe have a solution for one of those issues? That would really do the trick for me!


    @belgianbingo: You are actually using table that is why there is line, if you want to remove the table border in the homage then you can add the following css.

    /* To Remove table border bottom in homepage */
    .home #content table { border: none; }
    /* To Remove table border top in homepage */
    .home #content td { border: none; }

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