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  • #310398

    I try to set up a simple personal page with a small blog. However, I notice that the header is slightly differently formatted on the Homepage vs Blog page. As a result, my company breaks line on the blog page, but not on the personal page. Also, on the homepage the “Homepage” entry is highlighted, but on the “Blog” page both entries are greyed out.

    I was fiddling with all the settings, but I cannot get it to look it exactly the same, even though it’s using the same template part obviously. How can I get them to look exactly the same? I am sorry, though I work in IT I am not a web developer, so I am not very advanced in all this stuff. I was hoping I could just click together my homepage 🙂

    The website is


    Nevermind, I cannot reproduce it any more. Maybe something with my browser cache …


    @kontinum : Glad to know that you don’t have any issues. Thank you for using our Catch FSE theme. Let me know if you have any theme related issues.


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