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  • #5250

    Hi Every One,

    I used the simple catch theme for designing my website, simple catch theme is good for me, but i what to add employee login, for that i created the page temple with two text boxes and submit button. And file i created are employee.php and validate.php and those are placed in Simple catch theme folder, When i try to call the validate.php with form action string i got the error page not found

    <form name=”login” method=”post” action=”validate.php”/>   , can any one please help me call the php file(placed in the theme folder) in the form action string.




    @venkat: I am not sure that are you working on. You have WordPress login and why you need another login.


    Hi Sakin,

    I want to Add Employee log in to enter their work sheet details , so that i need my own custom login in my word press site. So Please help, how to call the php file placed inside theme folder to perform form action, hope i get reply very soon.


    @venkat: Sorry for this support forum in only for the theme specific issues and fixed. Not for the additional module added. Please get help from Tweaky services or WordPRess job board

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