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    sakin gave me the answer to this awhile back. You need to use CSS. It should be.
    #slider-wrap .featured-text { display: none; }

    He can check me on that.


    @jackwagon: You have blocked my IP. So, I am not being able to access it. So, I assume you are using Simple Catch Free theme and I am going to give you css as per that.

    You can simply add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .featured-text { display: none; }


    Hello. My featured slider is not rotating the pictures. It stays on the first featured post ID picture.

    I was hoping you could help me fix it. Some days it works. some days it does not. If there is not a way to correct it, is there a way to remove the slider option from the homepage all together?

    Our website is http://www.ieefa.org/



    @ieefa: Why did you install Simple Catch Theme inside your oldthemes directory inside theme directory. Maybe that is the conflict. You can directly install it in theme directory.

    Have you installed any new plugins or updated anything.

    First delete the simple catch theme from oldthemes and add it in directly under themes. If this doesn’t solve it then try disabling recently active plugins.

    Let me know your progress.


    Hmm, I am not exactly sure what you are saying was done. Last month I had messed up the coding when trying to adjust the header size and was locked out of the website/wordpress. I was told step by step how to fix it and I had to reinstall, I’m pretty sure. I am hesitant to install/uninstall on my own. I do not want to create another issue with our website.

    I did an update prior to that last problem and just completed one now to see if it fixed the problem with the slider and it did not.

    I also deactivated the plugin and nothing changed either.

    Thanks for your help!


    @ieefa: Ok I can check in your server and add check on the issue. I will send you an email.


    @ieefa: I check in our site and see the script issue that you have added in “Appearance => Theme Options => Webmaster Tools => Header and Footer Codes”. I have remove the following script from “Code to display in footer”.

    <!-- E-MAILiT Sharing Button BEGIN -->
    <div class="e_mailit_button" id="332">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function() { var b=document.createElement("script"); b.type="text/javascript";b.async=true;b.src=("https:"==document.location.protocol?"https://www":"http://www")+".e-mailit.com/widget/button/js/button.js"; var c=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];c.appendChild(b) })();
    </div> <!-- E-MAILiT Sharing Button END -->
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