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  • #2933

    When I choose a blog “without an image” to be the featured post. The left and right next arrows are off. I would really like them to center based on the length of the blog post. This type of feature I thought was to be expected as not every blog post requires or needs an image.


    @l1qu1d: Can you send me your site url so that I can see what you are talking about. I am bit confused.


    Sakin, I also have a slider question. Sorry to hi jack but dont see a need for another thread.

    If you view my site, on the home page below the featured slider, theres an empty box that just says “HOME” in it. How can I get rid of this?



    Also could you tell me how to change the continue reading link URL? Some of them I want to go to different web pages altogether.


    @sbarrington114: It’s ok but you can always create a new thread. I see that you are using Catch Box Pro theme. Then there is option to replace your current Featured Post Slider with Featured Image Slider. Where you can add the image, title, description and link as per your wish. See this for theme instruction: http://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/catch-box-pro/


    Im sorry but ive read that all a couple times now and dont see anything about changing what I want to change.
    In the image below, youll see the part I dont want. The red circle… I dont want that blank box there. I just want the home page to be the featured slider the way I have it.
    Then the next part, I only want to change the “continue reading” link on certain posts. not all of them. As in, some posts are fine with the way its doing it now, but future posts, I might want to make that link take someone to a custom URL.


    @sbarrington114: to remove the content in homepage you can just add the following CSS in your “Custom CSS” box in Theme Options panel
    .home #primary { display: none; }

    For slider, there is no option to put custom url for some. If you choose Featured Post slider then it will link to it’s respective posts. Only if you choose Featured Image slider you can choose any custom URL.

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