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  • #27884


    I can get the Featured Post Slider to work with my posts but I cannot get it to work with my pages. I have a Featured Image set and I enter the Post ID and it works fine for posts, but not pages.

    Please help!


    @bigmanny: By the way Catch Kathmandu Free theme doesn’t have Page Slider. It only have option to choose from Post Slider or Category Slider. For Page Slider you need to upgrade to Pro version. See the theme instruction of Pro version at http://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/catch-kathmandu-pro/



    I purchased the pro, and it won’t let me change the text or the images on the header featured images and the content featured images… i have spent about 2 hours going around in circles and it won’t let me add anything…

    any ideas?

    I also can’t find where to access the blogs to edit on the home page.

    I have created all the other pages no problems, i just need to edit this home page! help please!!


    @Amanda: Which theme are you using it? This is Catch Kathmandu Free theme support forum. But I assumed that you have upgraded to Catch Kathmandu Pro theme.
    Did you check in theme instruction page at http://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/catch-kathmandu-pro/

    Homepage uses, Featured Slider, Homepage Headline, Homepage Featured Content and then you have option to enable either latest post or static page below the homepage featured content.

    For Featured Slider:
    Catch Kathmandu Pro have 4 different slider type to choose from 1) Featured Image Slider, 2) Featured Page Slider, 3) Featured Category Slider and 4) Featured Post Slider.
    1. Featured Image Slider
    This is an Independent Image Slider where you can upload your own image and add title, content and link all optional. For this, follow the Steps as below:
    * Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” from your WordPress Dashboard
    * Under Slider Options Select Slider Type as Featured Image Slider.
    * Go to Featured Image Slider Options, where you have the option of uploading images, connecting to an image link, adding in the title, content, and setting target to open link in a new window as needed and Save changes

    2. Featured Page Slider
    Featured Page Slider is there to highlight your Pages in the Slider. For this first, you need to create page from “Pages => Add New”. Then you need to add Featured Image in your page. See below to see how to add featured image in your page.

    * Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” from your WordPress Dashboard
    * Under Slider Options Select Slider Type as Featured Page Slider.
    * Go to Featured Page Slider Options and simply insert the ID numbers for Pages in the boxes, one Page ID number in each box
    as needed and Save changes

    3. Featured Category Slider
    Featured Category Slider is there to highlight your Posts in Particular Category. For this first, you need to create post from “Posts => Add New” and assign category to the post. Then you need to add Featured Image in your post. See below to see how to add featured image in your post.

    * Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” from your WordPress Dashboard
    * Under Slider Options Select Slider Type as Featured Category Slider.
    * Go to Featured Category Slider Options and simply select the category and Save changes

    4. Featured Post Slider
    Featured Post Slider is there to highlight your Posts in the Slider. For this first, you need to create post from “Posts => Add New”. Then you need to add Featured Image in your post. See below to see how to add featured image in your post.

    * Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” from your WordPress Dashboard
    * Under Slider Options Select Slider Type as Featured Post Slider.
    * Go to Featured Post Slider Options and simply insert the ID numbers for Posts in the boxes, one Post ID number in each box
    as needed and Save changes

    For Homepage Headline
    This headline comes with default text. You have the option of changing headline and sub-headline text or disabling it through “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage Headline Options” in your WordPress Dashboard.

    For Homepage Featured Content
    Homepage Featured Content Options give you the ability to showcase your portfolio, photos, articles or services in Homepage. By default, this featured content is shown with default images and texts. You can either change the image and text or disable it through “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage Featured Content Options” in your WordPress Dashboard.

    For more visit theme instruction page.


    Hi, I’m using the Catch Kathmandu Pro theme and have a question about the Featured Post/image/page slider.

    When changing Featured Image Slider options, I can change the images and add a content and url for the home page.

    Now I want as well to have on other pages the featured slider option, but than with a different image and content on it. How can I realize this?

    Thanks in advance for your help.



    @ABEX: Sorry there is no option to add Different Featured Slider in different page. You can add the same slider in all pages.

    You might want to look for plugin at http://wordpress.org/plugins/ and search for page slider plugin to add in.

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