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  • #151721

    When I select a featured image, it now REPLACES the header image when I click on the post. This happens no matter what size the featured image is. I want to see the featured image in the post summary on the home page, and see the image itself in the blog post – but I do not want it to replace the header image once you click on the post link. This seems to be a change. Previously the featured image did not do this. Thanks for any help.


    Sorry- I believe I found the answer in previous questions. Apparently the change happened in the most recent update to free Catch Evolution. I added this code to my child theme in functions.php

    * Header Image
    function catchevolution_featured_header() {

    if ( get_header_image() ) : ?>
    <div id=”header-image”>
    ” width=”<?php echo get_custom_header()->width; ?>” height=”<?php echo get_custom_header()->height; ?>” alt=”” />
    <?php endif;

    } // catchevolution_featured_header

    Thank you.


    @sue: Glad you were able to figure it out! Have a good day! 🙂

    Let me know if you have anymore issues!
    Kind Regards,


    I have the same problem as Sue, but when I try to apply her code to functions.php via the Editor I get an error on update, and it leaves the main header messed up (so have had to restore the theme). The move to display featured images in the header rather than in the post/page itself really messes up my site (, so I need either to successfully edit functions.php to correct it (and maybe sail off down the child theme route), or revert to v.3.02 and stick there. Advice much appreciated!


    I have now managed to roll back to Catch Evolution v.3.02, which cures the immediate problem, but I would still appreciate knowing whether there is a fix that would allow me to continue with theme version releases, but avoids featured images replacing the main header image.


    @clerkthakehamparish-co-uk, @sue: Apologies for the late reply. There seems to be an issue with the header image behaving differently. This issue will be fixed and an update will be released as soon as possible.

    Kind Regards,

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