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  • #105810

    I am using the Featured Content function on the home page, and it is set to show featured page content. Although I do not have a featured image set on any of these pages, if I put an image in the content area of the page, it shows double in the featured content area – once as a featured image and then again as the actual content.

    I have tried disabling the featured image function for these pages but it still shows. Any ideas?



    Hi @Gary,

    The way it is setup, if there is no featured image, the first image of the content will be pulled so that there is no blank image.

    In your settings in Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Content=> Display Content option, you must have Show Full Content options saved. Please set it as Show Excerpt and the image will not be shown twice. However, full content will not be shown here too, and it will show excerpt.

    If this does not solve your issue, we will need to make some modifications via child theme. But that is for later.

    Let me know how it goes.


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