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  • #101254


    Firstly, love the theme, it looks great! But I just had a few things I’d like help with (apologies if they’re really dumb – I’m totally new to this).

    1. When I set a featured image for my posts and enable the featured header, the featured image appears in the header AND just above the title of the post. I’d like it to just appear in the header – is that possible somehow?

    2. I’d like to change the colour scheme of the comment box on my posts to match the rest of my site but can’t find the colour options to change it?

    3. The featured image slider on the homepage is a little different on my mobile site compared to desktop. On my computer the image that is currently displaying turns to a blank white box on the ribbon below (that shows all the featured images), whilst on my mobile it just displays the normal image and not a white box. I’d love it if my desktop version could look the same as the mobile one.

    Thank you so much for your help!



    Hi @justine-kibler,

    1. When I set a featured image for my posts and enable the featured header, the featured image appears in the header AND just above the title of the post. I’d like it to just appear in the header – is that possible somehow?

    You can achieve it in two ways:
    1. Just disable the post image for this particular post by going to Edit page of that page, below there are some metabox options as “Fabulous Fluid Pro Options”. Set Single Page/Post Image Layout to Disable Image
    2. You can globally disable it on all posts. Goto Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options => Layout Options => Single Page/Post Image Layout and set it to Disabled

    2. I’d like to change the color scheme of the comment box on my posts to match the rest of my site but can’t find the color options to change it?

    We do not have color options for it. But I can provide you with Custom CSS to make it somewhat work. Try following CSS code in Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options => Custom CSS box:

    /* Background and color of main comment section */
    #comments {
        background: #383838;
        color: #ffffff;
    /* Color of main comment title */
    #comments .comments-title {
        color: #ffffff;
    /* Color of Comment Authors text */
    .comment-meta .fn a {
        color: #ffffff;
    /* Background Color of sub-comment */
    .comment-list .children li {
        background-color: #383838;

    You can change the hex color values as you want.

    Try following custom CSS code:

    #per-slide-template .cycle-pager-active::after {
        background-color: transparent;

    Let me know how it goes.



    Thank you so much Pratik, it all worked perfectly – I love that the hex codes you had entered in for the comment box were already the right colours 🙂

    Just discovered one other little thing (I promise!) that I’d be very grateful for some help with:

    The titles of my some of my pages (the ones you select from the main menu) are dark grey in colour. I’d like them to be white but can’t find the option for it in the colour options?

    For example the title ‘Great Walks’ on this page:

    Thanks again!


    Hi Justine,

    Try following code:

    .page-title {
        color: #ffffff;

    Let me know how this goes.

    Thank you for appreciating the solutions. You can post in as many questions as you want, we are here to help 🙂


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