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  • #51852

    Is there a way I can still have featured images show up with the “Archive Content Layout: Show Full Content” option chosen? I am going with this option because I want to have my “read more” dictate where the link is, rather than a word count.

    I would also like to have images in my posts appear before the “read more tag” when the above setting is turned on. For some reason the images only appear while on the home page but not on any of the category pages.

    I really only need these options to work on category pages. Like I said, there seems to be no issue with the home page.

    Any help would be much appreciated.


    @CollegeCook: Full content doesn’t support featured image as unrelated. But if you really want then first you need to build child theme and then in your child theme functions.php file you need to copy function create_archive_content_image() from extras.php and replace
    if ( has_post_thumbnail() && 'full-content' != $featured_image ) {
    with the following
    if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {


    I have the Catch Flames theme (ver 2.3.1) installed on the site – (latest version of WordPress). I would like to know whether the featured image set in a page will get displayed on top of the page itself? In this theme, a post with a featured image is displayed as expected; but not the page.

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


    @yidamweb: It depends on your setting at “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Featured Image Options => Enable Featured Header Image”.

    Kyaw Sithu

    Hello I am using the simple catch pro version. But how do i add different featured slider per page? Is there a way? Could u pls help me out with that?


    @kyaw-sithu: Sorry there is no option to add different slider in different page. You can just add same slider throughout the site.

    But if you need to add different slider in different page, then you need to check out plugins at

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