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  • #109727

    Hi Again,

    Firstly, thank you for all your help regarding the Featured Content section. It’s been working great! However, I have been altering the colors on my site to hexcode #a6a6a6. Everything has changed and accepted the new css except the links below the Featured Content, which are still showing their original red color. I’ve attempted a few additional codes in the css file under 15.8, but nothing took. Is the code for these links somewhere else? Any help would be great.

    Thank you again!



    Hi @kriskyria,

    Can you please explaing with a reference to your site url?



    Hi Pratik,

    Here’s my site.

    I’ve changed all the link hover colors to #a6a6a6, which is grey. It worked throughout the site. However, under the featured content section on the main page they hover color is still red. I’ve added code in the CSS file to the section pertaining to featured content to reflect the #a6a6a6, but it still won’t show grey.

    Also, could you tell me which .php file the two column layout pulls from? I’ve installed WooCommerce, but when I edit my page and select the two column it doesn’t load the primary widget.



    Hi @kriskyria,

    First thing, you are using free the,e and have seem to remove our credit link. Although there is no rule against doing that, it would be great if you could support us by giving us the credit link.

    Apart from that, I will answer your question as follows:
    For featured content hover color, use following code in Appearance=> Customize=> Additional CSS box::

    #featured-content .entry-title a:hover, #featured-content .entry-title a:focus {
        color: #a6a6a6;

    I will have to say that this feature is readily available in Pro version where you can choose from colors list.

    For WooCommerce, you will need to upgrade to Pro version. Only pro version of the theme is WooCommerce Ready.

    Finally a quick note, it is not recommended to make changes to php files. Please use child theme if you want to make modifications. Main reason for this is all your changes will be lost when you update the theme. For child theme instructions, see:


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