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  • #12255
    Bill Pagonas

    Hi Sakin,

    I use this page in order to create a menu.

    The result is this

    But the problem is that there are blanks between the padding style as you can see and i want to eliminate this blank. I also want to put borders but i can’t find how.

    It would be very helpful if you could show me css code to add.

    Thank you.


    @Bill Pagonas: it has to be display inline and float left.

    #navmenu li {
        display: inline;
        float: left;
    Bill Pagonas

    Thank you. There are no blanks now. But what about the borders?

    Bill Pagonas

    Also, I’m trying to match the size of the padding with the site’s size in order not to have any difference. I am changing the size all the time but there is no perfect match.


    @Bill Pagonas: I am confused about what you want to do with the menu. Can you send me your design screenshot. Just upload the design image anywhere in your site or photo sharing site and then send me the url of the design.

    Bill Pagonas

    Thank you for your responce but thankfully i did manage to work things out. Thank you again you have been very helpful so far.

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