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  • #6538

    Hi all!

    First of all, thank you for your marvelous work. Simple Catch is great and I’m considering an upgrade, if I can get everything I want to work on my blog.

    The thing I want to ask is if it’s possible to edit how the post thumbnails are cropped. I’d want to be able to customize which portion of the full image is shown in the post excerpt.

    I’ve tried plugins like the Post Thumbnail Editor or Crop Thumbnails, but they don’t work for me, they just don’t save anything. It’s getting really frustrating. I use the latest version of WP, Simple Catch and those plugins.

    The blog I’m talking about is

    Thanks for your help!


    @Oliwerko: Simple Catch Theme has two predefined image sizes, 1 for the Featured Post slier which is Width: 976px and Height: 313px, and 2 for Thumbnails in Homepage and Archive Page which is Width: 210px and Height: 210px.

    So, you have to upload the image with the appropriate size as necessary. The image size above predefined image will be cropped automatically to those size, and if the image size is below predefined image, then it will show the original size.


    So the only option is to upload the images myself? That’s a shame, I was hoping that I could adjust how the image is cropped, considering that WP itself does it.

    Thanks a lot anyways, you’re creating great stuff, keep up the good work!

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