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  • #14907

    I’m very sorry, but I don’t really understand the “featured content” aspect of the Everest theme.

    Don’t get me wrong, I really love it! I’m just unclear on how exactly to use it. It looks like the only place I can alter what shows up there is in the Theme Options panel in the Homepage Settings. This seems a little awkward to me, but perhaps that’s just because I don’t know how to use it. I just know I’d much rather populate this section with posts, but when I disable the “featured content” all I get is a list of posts (and the full content of the posts – not a snippet).

    Is there any way to populate those three featured content elements with my posts?


    @Dignan17: Homepage featured content if to show any highlight you want. That is why we don’t want to restrict to post only. People can use their own image, title, content and links. It give more flexibility then post.

    Sorry there is no option to populate those three featured content with your post. But you can just copy the post title and content there.

    About the list of post showing full content. You can make it show excerpt through “Appearance => Theme Options => Layout Option” and in “Content Layout” just click on Excerpt/Blog Display and save it.


    Sorry there is no option to populate those three featured content with your post. But you can just copy the post title and content there.

    Yeah, that’s not very desirable 🙂 I would really recommend this as an option in the future. It would be great to flag a post and have it show up in one of those three images, where the most (or least) recent three posts would show up there. I understand that someone might want to put content there that is separate from their posts, but I’d like to have the option.


    @Dignan17: Thanks for your feedback and we will consider that.


    Thanks for the consideration. I’d love to just have it handled exactly the same way the slider is handled, where you enter post numbers for the ones you want in those three slots.

    Or, have it handle the way I mentioned. I’m thinking you could tag certain posts with with a “Featured” category, and the theme will throw the three most recent posts in that category into the featured content section. I’d love to be able to handle the slider in this way too…


    Ooo, I see that one of my ideas is already part of Everest! I can change the slider to match categories instead of specific posts. Great minds think alike 🙂 Haha!

    This is 100% exactly what I’d love to see from the featured content area.


    @Dignan17: Thanks we will consider that. Cheers 🙂

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