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  • #82761
    [email protected]

    I’ve adjusted the colors away from the default blues to an orange/grey scheme that our designer has laid out for us. Seems to work great for the desktop site pages, however the mobile site still retains the blue on the front page. How do I adjust this?

    thanks, David


    Hi @[email protected],

    Thank you for using Catch Kathmandu Pro.

    Great color combinations there, I have to say.
    The color scheme is fine in both desktop and mobile. You may have noticed it to be blue as the background color wont be seen in the mobile view and the menu bar in blue and also the promotion headline background. For promotion headline background color, you can go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Theme Options=> Color Options=> Homepage Headline Color Options” and select your desired color for “Background Color”. And for the mobile menu background, go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS” box and the following CSS:

    .sb-holder, .sb-options{
        background-color: #dd9933;

    If you want to change the menu list background on hover, add the following CSS:

    .sb-options a:hover{
        background-color: #dd9944;

    Note: Please change the background-color to your desired color’s hex value.


    [email protected]

    OK thanks, I’ve copied and pasted that into the custom CSS section.

    Does this take some time to enable or make its way through various proxies? I had pasted in the following from another thread earlier and I now have a lavender menu background:

    @media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        #hgroup-wrap .sb-holder { background-color: #6f3b97; } 
        #hgroup-wrap .sb-holder a { color: #fff; }

    …Not that I mind the lovely lavender but I’m looking for one of my colors instead. I’ve now deleted that CSS and inserted the CSS you suggested, but it hasn’t seemed to catch up yet.

    thanks, David

    [email protected]

    Got it! What it was was the server cache. I used the option to delete the server cache and it’s now doing what I expect.

    thanks again, David


    Hi @[email protected],

    Oh that’s great. Have a nice day!


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