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  • #15061

    @cabron_berlino: You can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #header-menu #menu-item-101 a { color: #0b610b; }


    Thank you that worked well 🙂


    Hi Sakin,

    I want a question about the menu nav in catch everest theme
    I use the image like “Home” but it doesn’t appear aligned in the cell.
    I would like to move it further down.
    I don’t get to find what property changes this in the file css


    @pcjosemi: Please post in your site URL. So, that I can check in your site and give you the suggestion.


    Hi there Sakin,

    I have tried to change the following with the codes you have comment before but no one will work. I would like to change the color of the text in the menu in catch responsive the free version.

    i would love to
    1, change the text in the menu.
    2, change the background of the bar when i am on that page,
    3, change the color of the bars in menu when hovering over them.
    4, the text when hovering over them as well 🙂

    the page is 🙂


    @easychoice: For detail color option, I recommend you to upgrade to Pro version where you will get Color Options in theme customizer at “Appearance => Customize => Color Options”. Also you will get lot more additional features which is highlighted in Theme Instructions page at

    When I check in your site, I see that you have already added in custom css to change those colors.

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