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  • #293439

    Hello! I’m in love with your WP theme, so first of all, congrats for it.

    I’m trying to build a simple website with four sections, and I would like them to be part of the #fullscreen, so they skip to the following one when you start scrolling. I have seen that’s made automatically with blog posts, but in the case of pages, I can just choose one. I have tried splitting the page into sections with height: 100vh, but that just solves the size, the scroll is gradual and I don’t want that.

    Is there anything I could do being a beginner in js? Thanks a lot!


    @martap40: Hello Marta,
    I am afraid it is not possible to replace the posts in the homepage with pages as you would like. You will need to use posts for that.

    Kind Regards,


    Thanks a lot for your fast answer Skandha! 🙂

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