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  • #4106



    I was wondering if it was possible to add an image/ different colour behind the newpost excerpts + thumbnails that come up on the home page.

    Something like whole foods has done:

    On their blog – their new posts and actually posts have a paper-like background.


    The blog is


    Thank you,



    @truthinablog: You can use custom Background to add image behind your post. Go to Appearance -> Background and add in the image there.


    Hmm that puts an image background behind everything. I would like to have like a “post-it” effect behind each “recent post” on the home page.


    Do you have the CSS to put an background for specifically behind each of these recent posts (thumbnail + excerpt) on the home page?


    @truthinablog: Yes you can add the following css for each post in Homepage only.

    .home #main #content .post {
    background-image: url("");


    Thank you Sakin that worked perfectly!


    I was just wondering: is there a code to padd the title of the post so that it is lower. (I want to add a tack image to the “paper”, but the title covers this graphic.)

    I tried this but it didn’t work

    .home #main #content .post {background-image: url(“×210.jpg”); padding: padding-top:25px;}


    @truthinablog: If you want padding just on title of the post then add the following css
    .home #content .post h2.entry-title { padding-top: 25px; }

    But if you want to add the padding to the whole div including the title and images then add the following css:
    .home #main #content .post { padding-top: 25px; }


    I apologize before hand. I would like to add an image like shown in the “preview” that is under the “topmenu.” I guess that is the sliding post. I am guessing I just place the URL in the “featured slider post” and it should work?

    Secondly, I would like to create a “header image” that backdrops or it falls behind the menu bar on the homepage just like is mentioned in “truthinablogs” responses but I don’t know what css to go to as its not clear.

    Thirdly, I would like to remove the “comments” at the bottom of the pages and posts, where do I go to do that?

    Thank so much,



    I just realized, I forgot to state that I have the Free Theme for Simple Catch.

    I don’t know the capabilities between the pro and the free theme. But I would like what the preview shows for the Simple Catch Free Theme picture as I was talking above.

    I would also like to be able to implement that sidebar on my homepage but am unable to do that.

    1) I would like to get the slide post moving.

    2) A header background image

    3) Sidebar for homepage

    4) Remove the comment section at the bottom of the page.

    Thanks so much


    CTRL + Q to Enable/Disable


    @aquahoya: Please post your query in New Support Forum. This page concerned about the site Also when you post your question please add in your site URL.

    Simple Catch Free site have only Featured Post slider, where you have to add in the Post Id which will take the Post title, excerpt and featured image of that post. In you have Simple Catch Pro Theme you have additional Featured Image Slider where you can upload independent image, title, content and links.

    For Header background, you need to upload your header image through media uploaded in Add New media in your WordPress Dashboard. Then you can add in the following CSS in “Custom CSS” box in your Theme Options panel.

    #header {
    background: url("Your Background Image URL") repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;

    You can add widgets in in your sidebar. Go to Appearance => Widgets. Then drag and drop widgets in the sidebar.

    You can remove the comment through “Settings => Discussion”. But individual page and post setting will overwrite the overall setting. See this for more details

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