@lazer: That image on top option is there in Catch Responsive Pro theme. When you can change the Archive Content Layout to “Excerpt Image Top” from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options”.
To add title in the image, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS Options” box:
.has-post-thumbnail .archive-post-wrap {
position: relative;
.has-post-thumbnail .archive-post-wrap .entry-header {
background-color: #fff;
left: 2%;
padding: 20px;
position: absolute;
top: 2%;
width: 96%;
Note: You shouldn’t add/edit any core theme files inside catch-responsive directory as all your edits will be reverted back to original when you update the theme. So, we recommend you to do the customization from “Appearance => Customize”. But if you want to do advance coding changes then you need to build child theme and edit it. For child theme refer to http://catchthemes.com/blog/create-child-theme-wordpress/