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  • #51081

    Have a huge problem. I can’t save more than 6 pages in a menu! My web hosting say it’s an theme-issue. But I’m not sure it is. I would like to have about 35 pages and sub-pages in my menu, but its only 6 pages that I can save? I have contacted so many people on this but I can’t manage to solve is. Is there any menu-limit in Catch Themes and is anyone els facing the same problem, how many pages can you have in this theme?
    Thanks for quick answer cause this driving me crazy!!


    @li.nordlund: There is not limit of menu in Theme, you can add any number of menu items. You can see in our demo page as well there are lot of menu items. What is the issue that you are getting? Can you let me know more about this issue and also your site URL.

    It’s simple to add menu, see this blog post


    I can’t seem to get the menu to show up no matter what I do. I would like the categories to be menus but I will settle for one menu that says Blog.


    @paulbass: Please post in your site URL. Fist you need to create menu from “Appearance => Menus”, add in page, category, links as per your need and save it. After that you need to assign that menu to menu location from “Appearance => Menus => Manage Locations”.

    Did you check in blog post “”

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