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  • #311061

    How can I make the header image responsible so that the appropriate image is loaded depending on the resolution?

    >= 1200px: buddha.jpg

    >= 768px: buddha-768×192.jpg

    >= 528px: budda-528×297.jpg


    @hoeppner1867 : Responsive Design is one of the key  feature of our theme. Your website will magically respond and adapt to different screen sizes delivering an optimized design for all devices. You don’t need to load different image sizes for the header image. Upload a header image of proper dimensions and it will automatically fit on all other devices. Let me know if you have any other issues.




    I still get the following message from Lighthouse:

    “Properly size images: Serve images that are appropriately-sized to save cellular data and improve load time.”



    @hoeppner1867 : The recommended image dimensions for header image is 1200px by 400px.

    I suggest you to upload the image size as specified. The header image is already of small size so changing the images will not make huge impact on the speed of your site. Let me know if you have any other theme related issues.


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