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  • #268138
    Jayel Draco

    I am using photofocus on my woocommerce site and got almost everything working great, however one very important thing is missing. The review tab doesn’t appear on my products. Reviews are definitely turned on in woocommerce. When I switch to storefront theme the review tab appears, when I switch back to photofocus, it’s gone again. I really like the way photofocus is working and want to keep using it, but I absolutely MUST have a review tab on all of my products. Is there something that I’m missing? do I need to turn reviews on somewhere in the theme options? Please help. Here is an example of one of my products:

    Thank you!


    @jayel-draco: Hello there,
    The Review tab features won’t appear in the free version as WooCommerce support is only available for the pro version. I suggest you to upgrade to pro. You can check out the additional-features available in pro version of the theme.

    Kind Regards,

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