Sakin, thank you for the reply and great customer service.
First off, with much confusion and difficulty, I finally created a child theme; it is activated and working crisp and sound. I entered the code which you gave me, and I did not have any results.
This is what I inputted:
// Unhook default parent functions
function unhook_default_functions() {
remove_action( ‘catcheverest_main’, ‘catcheverest_homepage_featured_display’, 10 );
add_action( ‘catcheverest_after_secondary’, ‘catcheverest_homepage_featured_display’, 10 );
#1 Perhaps,since I have catch-everest-pro I need to change a name within the function.php code?
#2.Is function.php suppose to have a separate file/folder apart from my child theme?
#3. Is it required that finction.php have a code inserted above this information:
Theme Name: catcheverestpro-child
Author: Jacob Smith
Template: catch-everest-pro
(optional values you can add: Theme URI, Author URI, Version)
@import url(“../catch-everest-pro/style.css”);
#4 This is all alien and foreign language to me. I have come far, and it would be great if I could move the featured content. Catch Themes does a great job in capturing the essence of a website. So far, I am highly please with the upgrade and use of catch themes.