#How to install theme?

Go to this link

#How to update theme to the latest version?

Go to this link

#How to add Demo Content?

Go to this link

#Download Demo content files?

Click on the button below to download the demo zip files which contain, customizer.dat (Customizer Settings File), demo-content.xml (Content File), and widgets.wie (Widget Settings File) files.

Download Demo Zip File

This theme relies heavily on Featured Images. If your post is missing a Featured Image, the post image will not show up on homepage, on archived pages and on Featured Page Slider Content. Click Here to see how to add Featured Image in your Post/Page.

#Image Sizes:

Post Thumbnail
Width: 480
Height: 480

Width: 1920
Height: 823

Hero Content
Width: 635
Height: 476

Thumbnail Size
Width: 80px
Height: 80px

Width: 910
Height: 683

Featured Full
Width: 1280
Height: 549

Custom Header Image
Width: Flexible (recommended width 1920px)
Height : Flexible (recommended height 823px)

#How to add Featured Image in Post/Page?

Go to this link.

#Regenerate Thumbnails

For regenerate thumbnails got to this link

#Widget Area (Sidebar)

Decree Pro currently has 21 widgetized (Sidebar) areas they are: 1. Primary Sidebar, 2. Footer Area One, 3. Footer Area Two, 4. Footer Area Three, 5. Footer Area Four, 6. Header Right, 7. Header Bottom, 8. Before Content, 9. After Content, 10. Before Posts/Pages, 11. After Posts/Pages, 12. Featured Widget Content, 13. 404 Page Not Found Content, 14. WooCommerce Primary Sidebar, 15. Optional Homepage Sidebar, 16. Optional Archive Sidebar, 17. Optional Page Sidebar, 18. Optional Post Sidebar, 19. Optional Sidebar One, 20. Optional Sidebar Two and 21. Optional Sidebar Three. Go to “Appearance => Widgets” or “Appearance => Customize => Widgets” in WordPress.

Decree Pro offers exciting Menu Options! This theme supports and recommends using “Custom Menus”. You can create Custom Menu through “Appearance => Menus” from your WordPress Dashboard.

Select Menu Locations
You can assign your custom menu in 5 different locations. You assign it either from “Appearance => Customize => Menus => Manage Location” or from “Appearance => Menus => Manage Location”
Select your Custom Menu as Primary Menu to display it as the Main Menu, which will replace the default Page Menu
Select your custom menu as Secondary Menu to display Menu below Primary Menu
Select your custom menu as Header Top Menu to display Menu in Header Top Area
Select your custom menu as Header Right Menu to display Menu in Header Right Sidebar Area
Select your custom menu as Footer Menu to display Menu in Footer Area

#Customizer (Theme Options)

You can customize this theme using cool additional features through Customizer at “Appearance => Customize” from your WordPress Dashboard.

Go to this link

#How to enable/disable Site Title and Tagline

Go to this link

#How to add Site Icon (Favicon/Web Clip Icon)?

Go to this link

#Header Image

Go to this link

#How to add Header Image?

Go to this link

Go to this link

#Comment Options

Go to this link

#How to add Consultation Form?

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Consultation Form”
  2. Enable consultation form using option “Enable on” select desired option from Homepage/Frontpage or Entire Site
  3. Then, under “Select Content Type” option either choose Page or Custom
  4. If you select content type as “Page” you will see “Select Page” option and choose desired page as Consultation Form
  5. If you select content type as”Custom”, you will see “Form Title”, “Form Description” and “Form Content” options where you can edit as per your need
  6. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Note: Please use Contact Form 7 for Consultation Form

#How to change Background Image for Consultation Form?

  1. Enable consultation form using option “Enable on” select desired option from Homepage/Frontpage or Entire Site
  2. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Consultation Form” from your WordPress Dashboard
  3. Under “Background Image”, click on “Change Image” and then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

#How to add Footer Contact Info?

Footer Contact Info is displayed just above footer.

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Footer Contact Info”
  2. Enable footer contact info using option “Enable on” select desired option from Homepage/Frontpage or Entire Site
  3. Then, you can see various option like, “Heading”, “Address”, “Phone”, “Fax”, “Email”, “Social Icons Heading” and “Background”, you can edit these option as per your need
  4. Under “Background” if you choose “Image” you can upload background image of footer contact info and if you choose “Embed Code”
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

#How to Change the Excerpt Length and Read More Text?

Go to this link

Decree Pro supports 4 featured content types to choose from: 1. Post, 2. Page, 3. Category and 4. Custom. For Featured Content Options, go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content”.
Go to this link

Decree Pro supports 4 featured slider types they are: 1. Post, 2. Page, 3. Category and 4. Custom. For Featured Slider Options, go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider”.
Go to this link

#How to select different font for different sections?

Go to this link

Go to this link

#Header Right Sidebar Options

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Header Right Sidebar Options”
  2. Click on “Check to disable Header Right Sidebar”
  3. Further you can add “Call Text”, “Call Number”, “Button Text” and “Button Link” options
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

#How to Disable header top and disable date and disable social icon on Fixed Header?

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Header Top Options”
  2. Click on “Check to fix header to top” to disable header top
  3. Click on “Check to disable date” to disable date
  4. Click on “Check to disable social icons” to disable social icons
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

#Hero Content

Decree Pro supports 4 Hero Content types they are: 1. Post , 2. Page, 3. Category and 4. Custom. For Hero Content, go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Hero Content”.
Go to this link

#Layout Options

Decree Pro has 5 Default Layout options, 5 Home/Archive Page Layout options, 5 Woocommerce Layout options, 2 Archive Content Layout options and 3 Single Page/Post image layout to choose from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options”

Default Layout
Once you are in Layout Options, you can Check the box below “Default Layout Options” which will set our site layout. Further, you have the choice of selecting custom layout for individual pages and posts through “Decree Options => Layout Options”, which you shall find below individual posts and pages, when you click on them for adding/editing.

WooCommerce Layout
Select layout for your WooCommerce pages. Option to choose from 5 Layout Options: i. Primary Sidebar,Content, ii. Content,Primary Sidebar, iii. No Sidebar(Content Width), iv. No Sidebar(One Column) and v. No Sidebar(Full Width).

Archive Content Layout
Once you are in Layout Options, you can Check the box below “Archive Content Layout” which will set our site archive layout.

Single Page/Post Image Layout
Once you are in Layout Options, you can Check the box below “Single Page/Post Image Layout” which will set our posts/page image layout. Further, you have the choice of selecting Single Page/Post Image Layout for individual pages and posts through “Decree Options => Single Page/Post Image Layout”, which you shall find below individual posts and pages, when you click on them for adding/editing.

How to edit individual posts/pages layout?
This can be achieved through custom meta box by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Add/Edit option of Page/Post
  2. There you can find Decree Options
  3. Then click on Layout Options
  4. You select required option under “Default”
  5. Finally Click on “Publish/Update”

How to select optional sidebar for individual Page/Post?
This can be achieved through custom meta box by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Add/Edit option of Page/Post
  2. There you can find Decree Options
  3. Then click on Select Sidebar
  4. You can make the required changes by clicking on options under “Select Sidebar”
  5. Finally Click on “Publish/Update”

How to enable/disable Header Featured Image for individual Page/Post?
This can be achieved through custom meta box by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Add/Edit option of Page/Post
  2. There you can find Decree Options
  3. Then click on Header Featured Image Options
  4. You can select option “Enable or Disbale”
  5. Finally Click on “Publish/Update”

How to select Single Page/Post Image Layout for individual Page/Post?
This can be achieved through custom meta box by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Add/Edit option of Page/Post
  2. There you can find Decree Options
  3. Then click on Single Page/Post Image Layout
  4. You can select various size options under Single Page/Post Option
  5. Finally Click on “Publish/Update”

#Logo Slider

Logo Slider is used to add various Logos as slider. You can highlight your partners or affiliates through this section.
First you need to enable Logo Slider. Decree Pro has 4 Logo Slider to choose from, they are: 1. Post, 2. Page, 3. Category and 4. Custom.
Go to this link


Portfolio option in Decree Pro is used to highlight Post, Custom Post Type, Page, Category, Custom or Embed in your website as Portfolio. There are 6 Portfolio Types to choose from. They are: 1. Post, 2. Custom Post Type 3. Page, 4. Category, 5. Image and 6. Embed
Go to this link

#How to add Portfolio in using Custom Post Type

For Custom Post Type Content, either install Essential Content Type
Go to this link

#How to add Promotion Headline?

Go to this link

#How to enable/disable content in Homepage/Frontpage?

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Homepage/Frontpage Options”
  2. To disable Homepage/Frontpage Content check option “Check to disable Homepage/Frontpage Content”
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

#How to Set Certain Categories to Display in Homepage/Frontpage?

Go to this link

#How to enable/disable Scrollup feature?

Go to this link

#How to change default text in search box?

Go to this link

#How to Disable Single Post Navigation?

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Single Post Navigation”
  2. Click on “Check to disable Single Post Navigation”
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

#Social Links

Go to this link

#How to add Team?

Go to this link

#How to add Testimonial?

Decree Pro support 5 types of testimonial, they are: 1. Post, 2. Custom Post Types, 3. Page 4. Category and 5. Custom
Go to this link

#How to add Testimonial using Custom Post Types?

Go to this link

#How to enable/disable update notifications?

Go to this link

#How to enable/disable Zoom, Lightbox and Slider effects for WooCommerce Product Gallery? #

Go to this link

#Additional CSS

Go to this link for more detail.

#Color Options

Decree Pro has various you can change the color in various elements in the site through Color Picker options categorized in section such as Basic Colors, Footer Contact Info Colors, Contact Page Colors, Content Colors, Featured Content Colors, Footer Colors, Footer Menu Color, Header Colors, Header Right Menu Colors, Header Top Menu Colors, Hero Content Colors, Primary Menu Colors, Pagination Colors, Header Highlight Colors, Promotion Headline Colors, Scrollup Colors, Secondary Menu Colors, Sidebar Colors, Featured Slider Colors and Testimonial Slider Colors.

#WooCommerce Layout and Sidebars

Go to this link for more detail.


Decree Pro has 14 Widgets to choose from. They are: 1. CT:About, 2.CT:Advertisement Codes, 3. CT:Advertisement Images, 4.CT:Featured Embeds,5. CT:Featured Images, 6. CT:Featured Pages, 7. CT:Featured Posts, 8.CT:Gallery Images, 9. CT:Galley Pages, 10. CT:Galley Posts, 11.CT:Instagram, 12.CT:Newsletter, 13. CT: Social Icons and 14. CT: Tag Cloud. You can add widget in widget area as per your need.

#How to add Widgets in widget area?

Go to this link for more detail.

#How to add “About” information in widget area(CT:About Widget)?

This widget is used to add About Information

  1. Add CT:About Widget to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Then add “Title”, “Image Title”, “Image Url”, “Image Link”, “Image Alt Text”, “About Text”, “More Link” and “More Text” under respective fields
  3. You can check “Check to Open Link in new Tab/Window” option to open link in new tab
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

#How to add “Advertisement Code” in widget area(CT:Advertisement Codes)?

This widget is used to add Code as Advertisement.

  1. Add CT:Advertisement Code to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Add “Title”, change “Columns” and “Layout” under respective fields
  3. Then under “Code” you can add codes inside box
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Note: Please do not add CT:Advertisement Code widget in Header Top Left and Header Top Right widget area

#How to add “Advertisement Image” in widget area(CT:Advertisement Codes)?

This widget is used to add Image as Advertisement.

  1. Add CT: Advertisement Images to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Add “Title”, change “Layout” and “No of Items” under respective fields
  3. Then under “Image Url” add Url of image, you can further add “Image Link” and “Alt Text”
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Note: Please do not add CT:Advertisement Images widget in Header Top Left and Header Top Right widget area

This widget is used to add Featured Embeds Codes.

  1. Add CT:Featured Embdes to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Add “Title”, change “Layout” and “No of Items” under respective fields
  3. Then under “Code” you can add codes inside box
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

This widget is used to add Featured Images.

  1. Add CT:Featured Images to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Add “Title”, change “Layout”, “No of Items”, “Image Alignment” under respective fields
  3. Then under Image# add “Title”, “Image Url”, “Image Link”, “Alt Text” and “Content” in respective fields
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

This widget is used add Featured Image.

  1. Add CT:Featured Pages to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Add “Title”, “Page ID”, “Layout” under respective fields
  3. Then under “Image Alignment”, “Image Size”, “Content Type”, “Limit content” and “More Text” you can change as required
  4. You can further find option to “Disable Image” and “Disable Title”
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

This widget is used add Featured Image.

  1. Add CT:Featured Posts to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Add “Title”, change “Select Post From”, “No of Post”, “Order By”, “Order”, “Layout”, “Image Alignment” and “Image Size “under respective fields
  3. You can further change “Post Meta Info”
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

This widget is used add Gallery Image.

  1. Add CT:Gallery Images to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Add “Title”, change “Layout” and “No of Items”
  3. Then under Image# add “Title”, “Image Url”, “Image Link”, “Alt Text” and “Content” in respective fields
  4. Further you can click in “Check to Open Link in new Tab/Window” to open link in new tab
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

This widget is used to dispaly gallery page with thumbnail.

  1. Add CT:Gallery Pages to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Add “Title”, “Page ID”, change”Layout”, “Image Size”, “Content Type”, “Limit content” and “More Text”under respective fields as per required
  3. You can further find option to “Disable Title”
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

This widget is used to display post with thumbnails.

  1. Add CT:Gallery Posts to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Add “Title”, change “Select Post From”, “No of Post”, “Order By”, “Order”, “Layout”, “Image Size”, “Content Type” and “More Text” under respective fields
  3. You can further change “Post Meta Info” and “Disable Title”
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

#How to add “Instagram” in widget area(CT:Instagram)?

This widget is used to display your latest Intagram photos

  1. Add CT:Instagram to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Add “Title”, “Username”, change “Layout”, “Number of photos”, “Instagram Image Size and “Link Text” under respective fields
  3. To open in new tab check “Check to Open Link in new Tab/Window” option
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

#How to add “Newsletter” in widget area(CT:Newsletter)?

This widget is used to display posts with thumbnails.

  1. Add CT:Newsletter to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Add “Title”, “Text To Show Before Form”, “Text To Show After Form”, change “Service” under respective fields
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

#How to add “Social Icon” in widget area(CT:Social Icon)?

This widget is used to add social icons as a widget.

  1. Add CT:Social Icon to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Add “Title” under the respective field.
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

#Embed Multimedia into Posts or Pages

For externally hosted videos (for example a YouTube or Vimeo video), you can directly paste the link of your video page into the content editor. You do not necessarily have to paste the embed code in the content. WordPress will automatically embed the video from the link.

#Webmaster Tools

Go to this link for more detail.

Translating Your Theme with WPML#

Go to this link for more detail.

Recommended Plugins
* Catch Web Tools for Webmaster Tools, To Top, Catch IDs and so on
* Essential Content Type
* Contact Form 7 for Contact Form
* WooCommerce for E-commerce
* WPML for multi-language
* Regenerate Thumbnails to for Regenerating Thumbnails
* Jetpack for Infinite Scroll, Gallery, Stats, Image CDN and many more