After some research, first I disabled the closing of the menu, after click event. This shows me, that the links are also working on my phone, but only after a second “tap”. On the first “tap”, the menu item is just hovered.
After that, I’ve noticed, that the “aria-haspopup” attribute is added by JavaScript to the menu items. So I disabled this line. After that, it worked perfectly!
So what I’ve read about this “aria-haspopup” attribute, my windows phone seems to act completely correct! When this attribute is set to true, then the first “tap” should be just the same as “hovering” with the mouse on PC. At this point, the link should NOT be clicked. But obviously, this is not the wanted behaviour, because the first tap also triggers some JavaScript, which closes the menu. So I cannot do a second “tap”.
I’m wondering, why this works on most other devices.
So could you please fix this behaviour? I think the “aria-haspopup” attribute is not necessary on the menu items, because nothing happens on hovering (except the background-color-change). So there is no need to emulate any hovering, right? Or is there another reason for the “aria-haspopup”?
PS: Windows 10 Mobile is still supported! There will be no new features, so it’s not actively under development, but security patches are still published.