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MemberUpdate to my previous post:
i also tried your zip-File, and here the same problem: the theme doesn´t use the entire width (full width disable sidebar)????
It show always the small template.Update 2: my error, i have to change this at theme-option. With the zip-File, it seems, it works, puuhh, … in the future, please, not so much stress 😉
MemberSame Problem here.
I tried the code for the functions.php. Although the article/page is now in the center but still does not use the entire width of the theme.
I hope the update will quickly solve the problem. Now, i also lost my widgets.. are no longer displayed
MemberYou´re GREAT!
Although I still do not understand why the optics with IE is different , but whatever.
MemberSorry Sakin, i need your help again. I´m almost done, but there is still something not quite clean code about the colors.
i create a page “Beispiel-Seite”, and then a subpage “Unterseite”. But when you move to “Bespiel-Seite” you can´t read the text from the suppage (all in white). It only change the color if you move with the mouse over the subpage.
See again here:
Please help me again. Great Thx.
MemberYEAH, this is the solution, now it works!!!
Very, big, big, thx for your support and patience.
Although i don´t understand, what was the error (i´m only beginner) – but for this, we have you 😉But another abnormalitie, not bad: There are different appearences (Menu) to Firefox (is ok) an for example IE11. Is this normal? Use my link to see it live.
MemberI so so, but only one part works, and the rest will not work.
At theme-option this is my complete code:
#branding #access, #colophon #access-footer { border-bottom: 1px solid #252FE9; margin-bottom: 0; } #branding #access, #colophon #access-footer, #branding ul a { background: linear-gradient(#0579FF, #252FE9) repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } color: #fff; } /*media all*/ #branding li:hover > a, #branding a:focus, #colophon #access-footer a:hover, #colophon #access-footer a:focus { background: #252FE9; background: -moz-linear-gradient(#252FE9, #0579FF); background: -o-linear-gradient(#252FE9, #0579FF); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(#252FE9), to(#0579FF)); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#252FE9, #0579FF); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#252FE9', endColorstr='#0579FF'); color: #fff; }
But see at my example-site , .. when you move with the mouse over the menue, there ist always the old “blue”. What do i wrong?
And: when you move to the word “1 Kommentar”, there appears a “beam”, so you can´t read this word. Where is my error?
MemberSo, here i go again 😉
Has taken some time because I tested the WP-installation locally with XAMPP. I uploaded now a Testinstallation to a Freehoster.
Here ist the url:
My favorite colors are: #0579FF, #252FE
I choose in the options the color blue and have written the code (first part) above to the theme option. Also i changed the linkcolor to 0579FF.
So you can see the current state. Please move with the mouse over menu (this is the blue from the color scheme) and “1 Kommentar” (blue bar).
But what I have found:
when i change the Linkcolor to standard, themecolor to bright, … this is a state, i can live with ist, but it would be nicer, when i have my lbue colors above.For your efforts, I will already now say thank you.
MemberHello again,
one part i could solve with this code:
#branding #access, #colophon #access-footer { border-bottom: 1px solid #252FE9; margin-bottom: 0; } #branding #access, #colophon #access-footer, #branding ul a { background: linear-gradient(#0579FF, #252FE9) repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } color: #fff; }
But still the problem with this code, when i move with the mouse over the menue – still the “old” blue. I think, this must be the code below, but i tried to change the colors – unsuccessful.
#branding li:hover > a, #branding a:focus, #colophon #access-footer a:hover, #colophon #access-footer a:focus { background: #286298; /* Show a solid color for older browsers */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(#1b4266, #286298); background: -o-linear-gradient(#1b4266, #286298); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(#1b4266), to(#286298)); /* Older webkit syntax */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#1b4266, #286298); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#1b4266', endColorstr='#286298'); /* for IE */ color: #fff; }
advance I apologize for the late feedback.
I have so implemented like you described, with your code. The color code changed, but it has not been modified! Only in IE (compared to FF) I could find a small change (no change from dark / light, but still the originally blue color ).