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  • #336477

    This has been an issue for quite awhile now, but now I really need to solve it.

    When editing a page (not posts, just pages) any image I try to add goes to the very top of the page no matter where I insert them. I go to where I want the image, hit add media, pick the image I want, click to insert it . . . and the image shows up at the very top of the page instead of where I tried to insert it.

    I tested all of my plug-ins and that didn’t make any difference at all, so it has to be something in the theme. (I forgot about this issue before renewing my license. Maybe that was a mistake.)

    This is the page I most recently ran into it on:

    It seems to be just a PAGE issue, as I recently edited a very long old POST and didn’t have any problem inserting images in their proper spot.

    Can you figure out what is going on and how to fix it?


    Hello Cindy,

    Thanks for reaching out to us. We have conducted thorough testing on our server and did not observe any image shifting problems on a new page. Additionally, the link you provided appears to be functioning correctly without any issues as you have mentioned. Could you please share the link to the specific page where you encountered the problem?



    I did some testing on other pages and am going to let this go for now, however:

    The problem is EDITING EXISTING pages. New pages and all posts work fine. This page looks fine to a reader, but I can’t add additional images where needed when editing. They all default to the top of the page no matter where I insert them.

    I did more testing and other pages I tested are working properly. That seems to indicate a bug in the code for this particular page:

    Obviously I can insert the image at the top, copy the code, and paste the code where I want the image to appear — this is a pain because this is a very long page.

    I was hoping you’d be able to spot something in the code on this particular page that got messed up – this page is 10 years old and updated many times, so there’s lots of opportunities for something to break.

    However, if it’s really just this one page, I can work around the problem for now. I’ll be updating a lot of old pages this year, so if I run into this elsewhere I will need it fixed then.


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