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  • #285801

    Hi, I am new with the Fotografie Theme and like it but have 3 Questions:
    1. How can I get rid of the Date on the featured content Row? I only like the Headline Link.
    2. How can I use a featured image as background of the row at the mainpage, but hide it in the Target Site? Is there another way to set the featured image instead in the post wich contains the Text?
    3. Where can I Change “Fotografie by….” in the footer without changing the ThemeCode?

    Before I buy the Pro Versione I like to know if my 10 wishes are possible with it:
    A ) more width than ca.756 px wide content without any sidebar, content with left or/and right sidebar for Sites and/or posts.
    B ) dark theme with customizeable colors
    C ) one page layout for startpage with prallax effect possible?
    D ) Extra Entry Site with possibility of HD animated Logo Intro
    E ) HD background Video for sites possible (from our YouTube Channel)?
    F ) Video Gallery 3 rows slider (Video with headline by click on the headline above or under a Video opens the video in a new Window with description below the video)
    G ) full width Site background images chooseable for primary and sub sites prallax or not
    H ) full width image and or video slider in header
    I ) google fonts useable
    J ) social media buttons instagram facebook etc.


    @apicula: Hello there,
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    /* To remove the date on Featured Content */
    #featured-content-section .posted-on {
        display: none;

    The option to hide the featured image on the target site and the option to edit footer text is only available in the pro version of the theme. I suggest you to upgrade to pro. You can check out the additional-features available in the theme.

    A) B) E) I) J) are possible.
    For other options you can purchase the theme and see if the theme suits your requirement or not. We offer a 30-day return policy. You are subjected to a full refund within 30 days of your purchase.

    Hope this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    HI Skandha, okay I bought Fotografie Pro and it works nice. Here it is pretty dark:

    F ) Video Gallery 3 rows slider (Video with headline by click on the headline above or under a Video opens the video in a new Window with description below the video)

    To show some videos in a row I made it quick and dirty with YouTube links, but maybe I find a plugin to do it in a better way and similar what I want.

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