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  • #29394


    I have a pre-sales question.

    Is it possible to place a form on top of the top banner on the right side..??

    We plan on using just one static picture with this form on the picture and on the right side. The picture would be behind the form like a background.

    Can we do this with the Catch Kathmandu Pro theme…?

    I am proficient in php-coding as well as with WordPress so I have no problem with working with the theme’s php-code. We plan on using Contact Form 7 as the form plugin.

    I like this theme a lot but this would be the only deal breaker.

    Please let me know.



    @Driven13: You can add Contact Form 7 in Header Right Sidebar from “Appearance => Widgets”. For this, you don’t need to upgrade.


    Thanx for your response Sakin.

    So does this mean that the site can look like this?

    Kat with Form

    We just need one static picture without a slideshow.

    All the best.


    @Driven13: Oh this is not possible. For this you need to build child theme and then add your form and css to position absolute at right sidebar of Slider Image. Also when you add this form, you need to think about the responsive design. What you are going to do with mobile css. This is bit complex.


    @Sakin: I can easily add some custom CSS to position it on the top picture.

    So, I guess my question is that there is an actual widget-area that I can use to do this as part of the theme…??

    I wish a support team member would chime in here as, after all, I am trying to make up my mind about buying their product…[:0)

    Thanx for your responses Sakin.



    @Driven13: Sorry there is no widget area in the Slider. For this you need to build child theme and define it. As div “featured-slider” is position relative. So, you can just copy the slider code in your child theme functions.php file and add your form code before </div><!-- #main-slider -->


    Saskin, thanx for the instructions.

    If I buy this theme and use it I may ask for your help a bit…[:0)

    Question: Is support on this site as non-existent as what I have just experienced in trying to get someone from the developers to answer here…??

    As a consumer, this gives me pause in using any of their products.

    Thanx again.


    @Driven13: Yes sure I can help you with the code. Let me know it. Note: Every theme has it’s own limitation.

    About your question. I don’t get it what do you mean by the support on this site as non-existent. Sorry, I am trying to help you and already given you the pointer on how to add it. You are indeed getting help from the developer.



    oh..hhaha…my bad…..I apologize profusely.

    I did not realize that you are part of the crew/developer. Usually they are marked as such against your avatar/name.

    Thank you for all your help.

    I am going to buy this theme.

    All the best.


    @Driven13: It ok my friend. I am the main developer 🙂 That is why I answer all the questions posted in this forum.


    Hi Sakin.

    Ok, I am back asking for some help in getting the site to look like the attached image, that we talked about before. I am using Kathmandu-Pro.

    I have the theme set up as a child theme and I have the “Homepage Featured Image” turned on and the “Slider” turned off.

    Can you please tell me how I can get the form on top of the “Homepage Featured Image” as shown in the mockup below…??

    Thanx much in advance.





    @Driven13: For this: you need to create blank functions.php file and then copy catchkathmandu_featured_image() function from catchkathmandu-functions.php file and then edit that functions to add your form. Then you need to make make that form div position form CSS in your child theme style.css file.


    Thanx Sakin.

    I have done what you have suggested but any changes I make in the functions.php file does not reflect on the site.

    I have the functions.php file in /wp-content/themes/kathmandu-child/

    Can you tell me what I am doing wrong…??

    Here are the contents of my functions.php file:

    function catchkathmandu_featured_image() {
    	//delete_transient( 'catchkathmandu_featured_image' );	
    	// Getting Data from Theme Options Panel
    	global $catchkathmandu_options_settings, $catchkathmandu_options_defaults;
       	$options = $catchkathmandu_options_settings;
    	$defaults = $catchkathmandu_options_defaults;
    	$enableheaderimage = $options[ 'enable_featured_header_image' ];
    	if ( !$catchkathmandu_featured_image = get_transient( 'catchkathmandu_featured_image' ) ) {
    		if ( !empty( $options[ 'featured_header_image' ] ) ) {
    			$catchkathmandu_featured_image = '<div id="header-image">';
    			// Header Image Link and Target
    			if ( !empty( $options[ 'featured_header_image_url' ] ) ) {
    				//support for qtranslate custom link
    				if ( function_exists( 'qtrans_convertURL' ) ) {
    					$link = qtrans_convertURL($options[ 'featured_header_image_url' ]);
    				else {
    					$link = esc_url( $options[ 'featured_header_image_url' ] );
    				//Checking Link Target
    				if ( !empty( $options[ 'featured_header_image_base' ] ) )  {
    					$target = '_blank'; 	
    				else {
    					$target = '_self'; 	
    			else {
    				$link = '';
    				$target = '';
    			// Header Image Title/Alt
    			if ( !empty( $options[ 'featured_header_image_alt' ] ) ) {
    				$title = esc_attr( $options[ 'featured_header_image_alt' ] ); 	
    			else {
    				$title = ''; 	
    			// Header Image
    			if ( !empty( $options[ 'featured_header_image' ] ) ) :
    				$feat_image = '<img class="wp-post-image" src="'.esc_url( $options[ 'featured_header_image' ] ).'" />'; 	
    				// if empty featured_header_image on theme options, display default
    				$feat_image = '<img class="wp-post-image" src="'.esc_url( $defaults[ 'featured_header_image' ] ).'" />';
    			$catchkathmandu_featured_image = '<div id="header-featured-image">';
    				// Header Image Link 
    				if ( !empty( $options[ 'featured_header_image_url' ] ) ) :
    					$catchkathmandu_featured_image .= '<a title="'.$title.'" href="'.$link.'" target="'.$target.'"><img id="main-feat-img" class="wp-post-image" alt="'.$title.'" src="'.esc_url( $options[ 'featured_header_image' ] ).'" /></a>'; 	
    					// if empty featured_header_image on theme options, display default
    					$catchkathmandu_featured_image .= '<img id="main-feat-img" class="wp-post-image" alt="'.$title.'" src="'.esc_url( $options[ 'featured_header_image' ] ).'" />';
    			$catchkathmandu_featured_image .= '</div><!-- #header-featured-image -->';
    		set_transient( 'catchkathmandu_featured_image', $catchkathmandu_featured_image, 86940 );	
    	echo $catchkathmandu_featured_image;
    } // catchkathmandu_featured_image

    Thanx in advance.



    I don’t see any changes in this code. You need to change here. Can you send me the code that you have added. For code please try to use

    See this code where I have added right box in the featured image


    Thanx Sakin.

    Your code helped me as I was adding it in the wrong spot in the functions.php file…[:0(

    It is working fine now and I will tweak it to get it placed exactly where I want it.

    To that end, I have one follow-up question: The attached picture below shows the placement of the box with the style that you had provided: right: 5%;
    But I cannot get it to move more to the right, for example, right below the “Sample Page” link.

    Can you please tell me how I can move it more towards the right…???

    Box more to the right

    Thanx as always.



    @Driven13: You can change that right: 5% to right: 0 and then text-align: right. For detail customization, you need to hire customizer.


    Thanx Sakin.

    That did the trick.

    I think I can move forward now.



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