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  • #241970

    Hi there, I hope someone can help. I’ve read the entire Catch Flames (free/WP) forum, but nothing there quite applies. The menu at ( shows fine on laptop and desktop viewings. It does not show on the mobile version. And it does not show on tablet when in portrait (but does show there, in landscape).
    I have tried in previewers (in theme customization) and on a couple of different phones. I don’t see anywhere on the phone version that might be a collapsed responsive menu. And odd things happen with the “Reader Version” too – this could be an iPhone issue, but when I click Reader version, I get various different pages.
    Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you!


    @lsm: Hello there,
    You seem to have used the following CSS in your Additional CSS section that is why the mobile menu was hidden.
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and remove the following CSS Code.

    #header-content {

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    Hi Skandha!
    I’ve always enjoyed your great replies, and found advice you had given to others very helfpul! I’m so glad you were able to help! Thank you!
    Yes, this gets me back the “three-stripe” Menu icon, on mobiles. Excellent.
    But… I added that CSS to remove the blank header band above the header photo, in desktop view. (I didn’t want anything above the photo.) At the time, I didn’t realize that would change the menu option for mobile devices.
    Now that I see this, of course I am delighted by the correction to the mobiles. But I am still wondering if there is CSS just to remove the white top band in desktop view?
    Thanks so much for your knowledgeable assistance. We all really appreciate it!
    Best wishes to you, Lori


    @lsm: Hello there,
    To remove the white space in the header
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and remove the following CSS Code.

    #header-content {
        padding: 0;
    #sidebar-header-right {
        display: none;
    #mobile-header-menu {
        position: absolute;
        left: 20px;

    Let me know if this is what you want!
    Kind Regards,


    Yes, Skandha! I figured you meant ADD that code, so checked mine first and then did so. This did exactly what I hoped. Thank you so much, again. Not only is this helpful, but your other comments (not only to me) have helped me learn a lot about small customizations, too.

    Excellent work, sir!
    Thanks again!

    Take good care of yourself.



    @lsm: Hello Lori, I hope I was able to resolve your issue. If it’s not too much trouble, I have a quick request: could you please leave an honest review?
    Your review will help others know what to expect when they’re looking for the support I offer. Even a sentence or two would be hugely
    appreciated. Thanks, and if there’s anything else at all that I can do to help, don’t hesitate to let me know. Have a good day and Stay Safe 🙂

    Kind Regards,


    Hello everybody, hope youre fine,
    I’m using catch responsive pro for a while now, i have a new website with “my” standards plugins, but the primary menu does not show on responsive tablet or mobile.
    First, I try with all plugins disable. Nothing changes.
    But if I use the basic theme Twenty seventeen, it works well. I uses Catch on another site, and it work well.
    Can Someone give help. Catch repsonsive is the best theme for my uses!


    @nomade-2018: Hello there,
    I have replied to you on your latest support topic.

    Kind Regards,

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