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  • #116695
    [email protected]

    I would like to have a front page that features posts from a certain category. I do not want posts from all categories; just one. I also don’t want just a list of the posts, but to show the actual excerpts.

    I can do this in the Joomla site I maintain by marking the posts “featured” so they automatically go on the front page until I change the featured setting, but I cannot find a way to do that in WP. Basically, I want to feature all of the posts in my upcoming events category, then have them disappear when I change the category to past events.

    I did try the List Category Posts plugin, but it only lists the names and does not show the excerpts. I would prefer the whole post, but at least have the excerpts if I can’t have the whole post.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    @sandysandybalascak-com: For this, you’ll need to create a child theme. You can find more details on creating child theme HERE. Then in your child theme, create page.php and content-cat.php file and copy the code from the link below respectively.



    Let me know if any problem.


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