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  • #47104

    I’m using Kathmandu Pro and I’d like the front page home page to just display the name of my site or the name of site + home in the web browser tab. Currently it displays like this “news-blue sky diesel exhaust fluid”. I also have a news page so this is very confusing to my visitors. I’ve looked through all of the settings on WP and cannot find where to change this.

    Many thanks in advance for your help!


    @Robert: Looks like you have already fixed it. As your homepage only have slider and the homepage featured content and you have all your blog post in News page.


    Hi Sakin,

    Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately, the issue is not resolved. If you go directly to the home page in the tab of browser (regardless if it is firefox, chrome, safari, etc.) the tab reads news-blue sky diesel exhaust fluid on the homepage. I’d like it to just read blue sky diesel exhaust fluid and eliminate “news”. Any advice on how make this change?

    Here is a link to the image and I circled in red what I am referencing.



    Hi Karen,

    I see that you have install WordPress SEO plugin, so check in it’s title settings at “SEO => Titles & Meta” and also the setting in “Readings => Settings”



    In “Readings => Settings” how do I make the homepage the static front page? Since the homepage/front page is created in the theme option and is not a true “page” I’m not sure what to select. I do have posts going onto my news page. I think this is what is causing the confusion with the SEO plugin. Because of this the the web browser tab is grabbing the name ‘news’ since there are no other options. It is definitely the SEO plugin that is causing this because when I deactivate the plugin the word ‘news’ disappears from the tab. But it is essential to have an SEO plugin since this is a business site. If there is another plugin that is more compatible with your theme, I am willing to try another one.

    My settings in “Readings => Settings” are as follows:
    Front page displays>I have a static page selected
    for front page: I left it blank since there is no true “page” to select as described above
    for posts page: I selected news

    Any insight you can offer is greatly appreciated!



    @Robert: If you want to show the static front page then you can add select your page from for front page.

    You can check your SEO settings at “SEO => Titles & Meta” and change the title as per your need.

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