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  • #273878


    I am rebuilding our website. What we should like is to move the header top items ( email, telephone, address) to the header right position. To adapt the social menu at the reader right position is not a good solution, because the only thing occurs (except the email icon) are chains to click on).
    So the header top icons are then on the same height with the site identity and above the primary menu.
    Is there a solution for this question?

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer.


    @toerfiets: Hello Hans,
    I am afraid that is not possible. Can you please add the social menu to header right so that I can look into the issue?

    Kind Regards,


    Hello Skandha,

    Thank you for answering,

    I did add the social menu to the header right with the catch themes icons.
    I should like there: the email icon and the email address; the telefoonnumber
    With the catcht icons you see the email and the phone icon, but the address I inputted in the social menu, you dop not see at all.
    The URL is

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer


    Hello Skandha,

    If it is not possible, we let this part of the website as it is now.
    You can consider this item as closed.

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer

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