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  • #19373

    hello, should featured slider/slider options/enable “side bar” be “enable slider”

    also I cant seem to get an image to display 976×313 on the header/front page.
    I have tried various editing features from media library but selecting
    “slider” which is 976×313 makes no difference. see


    @mark: Sorry I am bit confused about your request. I see that you have slider image of size 976×313. So, what you want to do with that. Can you explain it please. OR share screenshot of what you want.


    I have had to edit the image size to 976×313 in photoshop as the featured image slider would not edit the picture to 976×313.

    Is the featured image size only editable when connected to a post? I’ve read that displaying a image NOT connected to a post will display at its original size.


    should “featured slider/slider options” “enable side bar” be “enable slider”


    @mark: If you use Featured Post Slider or Featured Page Slider or Featured Category Slider, then it will take the image from page/post and auto crop the image. But if you use Featured Image Slider, you can upload image of any size and it will not crop it.

    Thanks for the fix in the typo about Enable Slider. We will fix this in new version.

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