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  • #336427

    How can I disable all mouseover effects for Featured Images? I found this post about removing the flash effect, but I would also like to remove the zoom effect.

    Also, is there any way to set the Caption for the Featured Image to appear underneath it by default?

    Thank you in advance for any assistance.




    Hello Panoramicdove,

    You can disable mouseover effects by adding CSS below:

    .portfolio-section .wp-block-column:hover figure img,
    .wp-block-post-featured-image:hover img {
        filter: none;
        transform: none;
    figure.wp-block-post-featured-image:hover:before {
        animation: none;

    Regarding your second query, currently, there is no built-in-functionality to display captions on featured images. However, you can utilize the Image Block, which allows you to add captions as needed.

    Kind Regards,


    Thank you Sujapati for your quick response, but that CSS hasn’t worked (either when used on its own or together with the CSS to remove the flash effect). Maybe I am not using the right terminology and it isn’t an image mouseover effect – it is whatever the ArtsyLens theme does that makes Featured Images zoom & flash.


    @panoramicdove: We apologize for the inconvenience. The issue with the provided CSS not functioning as expected may be due to it being overridden by the theme’s CSS. Please try adding the following CSS:

    .portfolio-section .wp-block-column:hover figure img,
    .wp-block-post-featured-image:hover img {
        filter: none!important;
        transform: none!important;
    figure.wp-block-post-featured-image:hover:before {
        animation: none!important;

    If the problem persists, kindly provide us with your site URL so we can further investigate.

    Kind Regards,



    Thanks so much Sujapati, that new CSS has solved the issue.

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