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  • #185193


    I have used the Featured Tag “Featured” as usual. But On the Front Page’s “Featured Content” area, it is not showing the posts with the featured tag. It only shows the latest posts in that area. What should I do to fix it? Thank you very much!


    I’m using the “Fotografie Pro” theme.


    This is my website:

    While I’m in the “Customize” mode, I can see the featured posts in the area. But after exiting the customize mode, the “latest posts” are shown in the “featured content area” instead.

    Any idea how may this be resolved please?


    @kcjeremychugmail-com: Hello there,
    I checked for the issue at my end but it seems to working fine.

    Can you make sure that you have published your changes in the customizer?

    Kind Regards,

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